Pertanyaan Hati

Kenapa harus tertekan seperti ini?
Kenapa sepertinya tiada habis tugas itu?
Kenapa tiada celah bagiku untuk bisa tenang?

Haruskah selalu seperti ini?
Haruskah menjadi pengemis?
Haruskah selalu mengikuti permainan mereka?

Bolehkah sedikit aku mengeluh?
Bolehkah sedikit aku tidak terlihat tegar?
Bolehkah sedikit menyuarakan isi hati?

Kepada siapa aku harus bercerita?
Kepada siapa aku harus menyuarakan isi hati?
Kepada siapa aku boleh mengeluh?

Karena aku tidak punya siapapun kecuali diri ini L

By : Ayu Dinda Hadriyani Purwaningsih

(Terjebak dalam penjara yang semua sudah tidak kuat dan ingin pergi)

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10 Tanda Dia Bukan Untukku

1.      Dia tidak bisa menerima kekurangan kita
2.      Kita selalu menjauhi konflik dengan dia
3.      Dia tidak bisa menghentikan kebiasaan jeleknya meskipun demi kita
4.      Dia selalu berusaha mengubah sikap jelek kita, tetapi dia tidak mau merubah sikap jeleknya
5.      Dia tidak mempercayai kita
6.      Dia tidak punya visi yang sama dengan kita
7.      Dia selalu membuat kita sedih
8.      Dia tidak perduli pada kita
9.      Tidak adanya chemistry
10.  Kita selalu menyangkal isi hati kita yang sebenarnya kalau dia bukan yang terbaik untuk kita

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I can’t remember when I was.
I started to have mixed feeling for you.
I started to think about you time to time.
My feelings for you have made me perplexed.
I didn’t think that I had feelings for you just thought that it was an interest it makes me feel bad when I emphasize that I don’t have feelings for you is it a love… if you think the same way, is it a love? My heart is going for you.
My heart is wanting for you.
I could have known it before.
To make out for each other… I found a true love.
I hope that you can understand my feelings for you to make out for each other… I found a true love.
I hope that you can understand my feelings for you my heart if for you already and as if my heart if for you perhaps we are already used to each other is it a love… if you think the same way, is it a love? My heart is going for you.
My heart is wanting for you.
I could have known it before to make out for each other… I found a true love.

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Sirik itu tanda ga mampu !!!

Kalian pernah ga sih di pojok-pojokin sama seseorang??? Rasanya ga enak bgt kan??? Trus apa yang kalian lakuin??? Pasti kebanyakan dari kalian ngeladenin orang yang sirik sama kalian itu, trus akhirnya berantem deh...
Gue punya trik bwt kalian ngeladenin orang kaya gitu. Tapi terserah kalian sendiri mau di coba atau ga. Tapi mungkin ini sedikit membuat pikiran kalian terbuka.
Pertama, misalnya kamu di pojokin sama seseorang lewat apa yang dia ucap. Mendingan kamu diem aja deh ga usah ngeladenin apa yang dia omongin. Toh apa yang dia omongin ke kamu itu ga bener. Biarin aja dia cape sendiri dengan apa yang dia omongin. Lagian kalo kamu ngeladenin berarti kamu sama aja kaya dia dan kamu ngerasa kalo kamu kaya apa yang dia omongin ke kamu.
Kedua, misalnya dia ngelakuin sesuatu perbuatan yang buruk ke kamu. Bales perbuatan dia dengan kebaikan, pasti dengan sendirinya dia akan berpikir. Pasti dia berpikir knp dia jahat sama kamu sedangkan kamu itu baik bgt sama dia. Terus dengan sendirinya hati dia bkln luluh trus jadi baik deh sama kamu.
Ketiga, kalo masih ga mempan juga (emang ada sih orang yang kita baikin malah ngelunjak terus injek-injek kita) mendingan sekali-sekali waktu dia lagi bener-bener punya kesulitan kita ga usah bantu dia biar dia sadar kalo kita udah baik sama dia tapi dia manfaatin kita. (tapi itu cara terakhir loch ...)
Nah selamat mencoba yah teman. Kan lebih baik kalo kita ga punya musuh. Dan buat dunia ini damai dan tentram. Perselisihan itu wajar tapi jangan dibuat masalahnya jadi panjang. Yang penting jangan mementingkan ego sendiri, inget ada orang lain di sekitar kita dan mereka juga punya perasaan. Jadi, hargai perasaan mereka jika kamu mau dihargai perasaan kamu sama orang lain.
Di dunia ini semua ada karmanya. Apa yang kamu perbuat ke orang lain, suatu saat kamu akan di perlakukan seperti itu sama orang lain. Jadi, berbuat baiklah sama semua orang, maka kamu bakalan di perlakukan baik sama semua orang. So, berusahalah jadi orang baik bwt semua orang :)

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Gue Emang Jelek Tapi Ga Boleh Minder Sama Itu !!!

Kata itu gue dapet dari satu film yang gue tonton sepulang sekolah. Judulnya “Elu Bukan Gue”.

Cerita itu menceritakan 2 orang cewe yang namanya Cassie dan Lilin.
Cassie     : « Si cewe cantik dan tajir, tapi sayangnya sifat dy kurang baik, sok berkuasa, suka nglabrak orang, yah pokonya gitu deh ».
Lilin                : « Si cewe yang baik banget dan punya hati yang kaya malaikat, tapi sayangnya saking baiknya dia, dia itu sering dijahatin sama orang lain (kebiasaan orang baik selalu tertindas :p), udah gitu dia juga minder karena dia punya tanda lahir di mukanya yang buat dia jelek.
Pada suatu malam Lilin dan Cassie bertukar tubuh. Pada awalnya mereka ga terima dengan tubuh itu, tapi pada akhirnya mereka mulai menerima dan belajar sesuatu.
Cassie belajar bahwa buat apa muka yang cantik tapi sikapnya ga baik. Lilin belajar bahwa perlu minder punya sebuah kekurangan, tapi kita harus menonjolkan kelebihan kita dan harus pede dengan diri kita sendiri maka orang lain ga akan mempermasalahkan dan akan menghargai diri kita.
Gue suka banget apa yang Lilin dapet (karena gue ngerasa kaya Lilin, he :p). gue jg harus kaya gitu ga boleh mider sama kekurangan (muka jelek :p) gue, tapi gue harus menonjolkan kelebihan gue ke orang lain.
Oh iya, di cerita itu  jg ada percintaannya jg loh :). gue suka bgt sama sikap Rendy (cowo yg pinter, cakep, baik hati lg). Dia sayang sama Lilin walau[un Lilin jelek. Dia ga liat Lilin dari wajah, kekayaan, dsb. Tapi dia liat Lilin dari hati. Dia suka sama Lilin karena hatinya baik. Dia sayang sama Lilin dengan tulus {ikh pengeeen :'(}.

Sekarang gue pengen bgt ketemu sama orang yg emng bner-bner sayang sama gue. Ga cuma liat dari tampang atau apapun, tapi emng tulus dari hati.

Gue yakin suatu hari nanti pasti bakalan ada cowo yang suka sama gue ga dari tampang doang, tapi dari hati. Dan gue jg ga boleh minder karena kekurangan gue tapi gue harus bersyukur dan menonjolkan apa yang jd kelebihan gue.

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Impromptu inspection for the boys :D

That day is Thursday. At that time PKN lesson, and start the teachers carry out surprise inspections to all boys.
The man who first exposed the inspection is Husen. Because he looks so sad in his frequent-temnan disturbed by another friend.
This is one disorder from friends in class :)

But in the end almost all boys affected by inspections. Includes boys on this one, he called Ilham. He has been named as the child's most handsome man in the class.

Then next is Assat affected. He's the smartest boy in class. Just unfortunately, he's a bit stingy in everything. (I think)

The latter is Fajar. He was very smart in physics. Repetition time he got a perfect score of 100 :)
It was amazing !!!

It is the most unique stories of our beloved class.

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Seeing something beautiful :)

That day is Thursday. The recess bell rang, I immediately prepared myself for the replication of ICT.
I immediately went to the next class to learn together with my friends on that day were both replications of ICT.
So far there is no something special happened. And at last bell sounds. I also gained back to my class. And finally something special and very beautiful in my opinion it appears.
By the time I get out of the classroom door of my friend, I look to the right and see at a glance and went toward the door of my classroom. But before I go into my classroom, I immediately realized that I had seen a creature so beautiful that I love.
Then I stopped in front of my classroom door and began to look to the left. And I froze for a moment to see him which was almost close to me. And it turns out he too looked at me.
But so stupid me without a smile etched on my lips, I immediately left and went straight to class with a feeling so happy.
The figure seemed to not want to disappear from my mind until today. The figure was so beautiful that I can not do anything for him.

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Suddenly becomes an artist :D

At that time Sundanese language lessons, the teacher was explaining about the dialogue. As teachers in general, we listened and wrote what she wrote on the blackboard. And it turns out the teacher to write dialogue and elected Nono and inspiration as an artist and Gibral as moderator

This is a vidio :)


There are so many errors that occur. And finally here's the result.

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Flavor of love that it's useless

I'm like someone close to my ex-boyfriend.Our introduction is brief, even I only ever talked directly to him only once. But I often chatted with him via facebook. But why to talk directly is very difficult?
I often try to approach him. But if I am closer to her only embarrassment that comes on me. I can not say a word to start a conversation.
But ultimately I know that feeling that I have not the same as he felt.

This hurt the taste. I can only pray and hope that may God give you the best for me.
I just want someone good, can make me comfortable and very fond of me.
Weight feels through the day without a special person beside us.
I hope this feeling to end.Sincere love without a reply, it was very painful.
I want to repeat once again feeling happy that I have ever felt. :'(

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in my class "SARAPAN"

Today is a very exciting day for me. Maybe other kids who also agree with me.
Today is the day where almost no teachers coming into our class to teach. The reason is because the teacher is away.
Finally, we cool with our own activities. I have time to capture how the situation in my classroom.And this record

 Anything else that makes it all entertained that there is a friend of mine who was crying because of an arranged marriage with a friend in another class.
Everything started to calm my friend but still full of teasing with laughter.
That was the situation in my class so I love. Because every second will not happen again and one day we will miss those times and want to repeat all that.
So, do not waste the good times. Or you'll regret in the future.

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This is me !!!

Hello !
My name is Ayu Dinda Hadriyani Purwaningsih
You can call me Dinda
But my friendship call me Ayu

I like singging and photos

This is me and my aunt

This is me and my little sister

This is only me

This new part of me :)

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